5-Step Guide For Writing A Decent Dissertation Introduction

The beginning of any type of paper is quite important and careful care should always be taken in its construction. Every paper has different parts and each has their specific function, including the introduction. Some consider this first part of your thesis the most important part since it contains many aspects that are highly influential in deciding the outcome of the entire project. The following is a five step guide to writing a decent dissertation introduction:

  1. Consider the interests of your readers
  2. The introduction is often thought of as the bit of information that a reader uses to formulate their opinion of your entire paper. While this may not be entirely true, it can influence a person’s decision to read your paper in its entirety. If possible, make your choice of topic based on the interests of your readers or the general public, this way your research will contribute to society and so inspire more people to pay attention to the conclusions you make.

  3. Formulate a strong thesis
  4. The thesis statement can guide the direction of your research so it should be made with absolute care. Make your statement bold, clear and specific, leave no room for it to be interpreted in any way other than what you intended. It is also quite useful to create one that is slightly controversial, this is a good way of catching the interests of the general public.

  5. Choose a strategically advantageous style format
  6. Every paper must follow a specific format and these are usually set by your institution or instructors, if not, you can choose one of many available styles that are available online. This website is particularly helpful and can be visited for samples and guidelines to using various formats.

  7. Consider the most impacting aspect of your research
  8. Some people simply like to get to the point without distraction from irrelevant bits of information. After your initial statement, you should provide some information on any point that you consider most significant in all of your research, without providing too much detail.

  9. End by hinting at more, interesting information further on
  10. A common tool, used by many authors, is the transitional hook. This can be described as dangling a juicy bit of information in front of a reader, hinting at more detailed information later on in the paper with a statement like “ we will get into that later”.
